2022 Game Jam submission. With the theme being "DEATH IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!", this short 2D platformer will have the player navigate through three short levels of a "mansion" to escape its ghostly curse. It's not the end should the player die; rather, it is only the beginning, as the player will be able to control their ghost form in hopes of reaching the end. But fair warning, ghosts are susceptible to the light! Escape the mansion, avoid the beams of light, and survive the night!

Move your character with A and D or Left and Right arrow keys. Jump with the Space bar.  When a ghost, freely move using the WASD or Arrow keys.

Of the provided 10 days from this Game Jam, I was able to allocate some hours within three days, of development time. Given the prototype I have thus far, I may consider fleshing out this game, after the end of May; since, I had a couple more features to help make this game more engaging.

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